Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lyza's 2nd grade teacher sent a little postcard reminding her new student class to "practice counting money" along with reading over the summer. We've been doing the reading part......but we just started working on the concept of the good ol' American dolla tonight. The kid is smart enough to know which bill is a "Benjamin", and she practically discards anything less than a quarter because they aren't worth much even at grocery store coin-op gumball machines. It was interesting playing a game of "trade ya". I hand her a $5, $10, or a $20 and offer her a random denomination to see if she can add it up quickly and decide if she wants to trade. Let's just say we have some work to do as I fleeced a $20 off her for a ten and two ones.The sweet Buick Regal with the 24's (that will remind one reader of his glory days) is a Matchbox car she traded from from her pal Nate Dog. She gave up a little Ferrari - so again, we're working on the value of the dollar. We have two weeks before school starts, so I think we can get this thing nailed down. Posted by Picasa


  1. This is awesome and hilarious!
    She is up against the card-shark/ Vegas/money-handling/ hundy-loving gambler! She will be a money wiz in no time flat.

    As for trading the Ferarri for the jackedup GM pimp mobile...yeah, well...the girl's got an intriguing personality!

  2. We'll get to Blackjack and counting into a double deck soon enough. I don't want to pressure her into gaming, rather, I'd like to see her EMBRACE gaming.

  3. I have many more found memories from a Regal than I do from a Ferarri... I'm with Squirty on this one.
