Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prius Elitists

Every time I see those little turtle-shell cars, I think to myself “I bet that driver quotes NPR stories to co-workers, brags about “skipping every gas station”, and genuinely believes that he/she is doing the earth a favor. OK – I’m an A-hole for stereotyping, but am I really that far off?

I guess this is the question I need to ask: “Who would significantly overpay for an ugly-ass, doughnut-tire sportin’, reasonably eco-efficient vehicle”? Big Steve, Ellen Jo, Ellsie, Josh, JVC, CW, Rottenberg, A-Man, Ken Buck, and my “must have 4WD” Mom who lives in Tucson wouldn’t. I guess that covers nearly every genre, including the “Gay cop posing as a hetero family man” – thank you Kenny.

Many studies show that if you compare the fuel efficiency/environmental impact/cost of ownership of a new Prius versus, say, a gasoline powered Toyota Corolla – you’re in the winner’s bracket if you pick the Corolla. The environmental footprint of the batteries to run the Prius is huge – and it won’t get smaller until more car companies embrace and force the issue with regards to battery technology.

No question, it’s important to have consumers embrace these early stage hybrid cars, as it will help further the evolution of a cleaner automobile. However, if it’s YOU who buys one – Maybe take a more humble approach and consider yourself “taking one for the team” so to speak. Afterall, you just overpaid for an ugly car that doesn’t get much better mileage that a TDi Jetta – a car that has a much smaller enviro-footprint, and is a hella’ lot more fun to drive.


  1. You didnt stereotype far enough. If you drive a Prius you have to have a cause also. "Save the... Fish/elephant/dolphins/trees/landfills/pirates/republican party/burritos in menomonie falls/tecates in flagstaff" and post said cause on your bumper to really show off how great you are.

  2. Get with the program, people.



  3. Damn CB, here I thought we were on to something.

  4. No sh*t...I was really excited about Saving the Burritos in Menomonie Falls.

  5. Trust me, no burritos are safe in Menomonee Falls.
