Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I'm about a month into this "gym" thing, and it is barely sticking. I have evolved into a creature that needs to be outside when I exercise. The gym rats think I'm nuts for riding in the cold, and the local riders think I'm a wuss for hitting the weights 2-3 times a week. I can't win this battle. Worse yet, I have succumbed to the inevitable self confidence issues at the gym. They are in no particular order:
1.) I am always doing a quick check to know who I'm competing with, eventhough those people have no idea I'm competing with them - although they may have already sized me up and either chose to compete or blow me off. I know, I have issues.
2.) Everytime I vary from my original workout plan because I feel the need to pile on the weight - maybe looking stronger in the process to that goofball in the mirror - yup, me. You know what happens? I strain muscles, stretch ligaments, and feel like Stretch Armstrong for 2 days. But - I keep doing it.
3.) I quietly criticize any yahoo punk kid who does his reps too fast, or who looks like he's trying to show off. I especially go after the meatheads who have developed upper bodies, and absolutely no legs. Ironically, I was that meathead guy when I was about 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and so on.

You would think at age 39 that I could quietly do MY routine without falling into this trap. Maybe I really am a competitive jerk, a vain a**hole, both of those, or just a regular joe like everyone else there. Thank God that racquetball starts in 3 weeks. I think I need the competitive outlet.

So, here I am just hanging on until it warms up so I can live on my bikes for another summer. Wish me luck because this gym experiment is just getting worse every week.

On another note - holy cripes - can you believe that psycho astronaut who went aggro? Driving with a diaper on so she could make better time? I need to look into that story.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to know I am not all alone in this world.
