Friday, July 4, 2008

The owner of the restaurant at Junipine said to her 18 year old son: "If you want to drink, go into the woods or something....just don't drive". Not really into camping, she didn't think much of her comment.
This week he showed up with a car full of camping gear and a crew of guys and girls that are heading to Escalante for a 4th of July camping trip. We spotted something unusual in a pocket on one of the packs.....Limes......Limes mean tequila. Have a safe 4th boyz.
Le Tour De France commences tomorrow morning. I know 99.5% of the American public could give a rats ass, but for me, I'm stoked. It finishes just before the Olympics, followed by football season. Could there be a better time for a sportsfan like me???

Leave it to Patrick O'Grady to sum it up for me:
"So I’ll be following Le Tour once again this year, just as I have since I first discovered there was such a thing as the Tour. But not on TV. Signing up for premium cable to watch bike racing is like joining Weight Watchers for the hot chicks."

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