Thursday, September 11, 2008

Good time on the bike last night with the three Small Town D-Bag stand-ins, CR, AK and JT. It got unsustainably fast for 20 minutes and then everyone backed off because we were getting sloppy and AK dumped it a couple of times. We have a good cohesive group who want to bust ass, and most importantly......a "gear dude" in JT who has a converted 15pax van with a full kitchen and propane heat. Aside from a massage therapist and a camp chef, we're GOOD TO GO.

An original Small Town D-Bag reunion? Unlikely. Jeff switched to a 6" front/rear Titus LocoMoto and had such an awful mental/physical experience at Old Pueblo in February that he swore off 24 hour racing, and Eck has a chronic back issue. JB though, he's a hard man. He's racing the 40 miler at Chequamegon this weekend - tear it up man, and at least drop Lance like a rented Grand Canyon Burro for the first 15 yards. I'm thinkin' the Small Town D-Bags Volume III will include Big Steve for 2009.....The big man makes moderate downhills look like 45 degree ski slopes.

2009 Resort Budget in the works in front of doesn't look pretty. Better get on it.


  1. It would appear as though you're trying to once again do my vacation planning for me.

  2. Just throwin' a carrot out there for ya because I know you love racing bikes....actually make that a Samuel Smith's.

  3. Cheguamegon! Yeah! Chad and I went to watch that in 1994. Camped along the banks of the Namakegon River. Freaking cold.

    Be sure to stop in at the Mocassin Bar in Hayward. If you ever want to see a diaroma of taxadermied woodland creatures playing poker.

    I like your zesty transcript of the D-bags' ride-- it was exhilarating! Like a bar of Irish Spring!
