Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Al Whore

Al the energy WHORE. You would think that after all he has done to spearhead Global Warming awareness, he might have scaled things down a wee bit himself. Have you seen his electric bills for the Al WHORE mansion?

Let's just say that after seeing An Inconvenient Truth, I have decided to move on/investigate the following:
-Purchasing two water barrels to capture rain water from my gutters
-Looking into Solar energy panels for our house
-Riding more to work so that I could cut down on my use of finite fuel

This doesn't change my mind. I still believe that conservation is critical to our environment. I think that everyone should do what they can to conserve water, gas, electricity, food, and recycle as much as possible.

What it does change is my view on Mr. Gore. I'm sure he'll come out with some spin on this - as in maybe he's housing 40 Somali children. Maybe he's conducting experiments in his basement to further his cause. But....I doubt it. Averaging over $1000 per month for your electric bill screams RICH WHITE GUY to me.


  1. he is a rich white guy. he can't help it. most guys that make the white house are rich and white. it's just that al gore feels guilty about it for a brief moment everyday, culminating in a documentary. a movie that he is responsible for. and that allows him to fall asleep at night knowing he 'tried' to make a difference. then he wakes up in the middle of the night sweating from the nightmares his movie has caused him to have and he cranks down the air conditioning a few more degrees. it's an endless cycle.

  2. You might be a rich white guy too after grad school. And turning 30? I hit 4-0 in 9 months.....all I can say is age 30-40 were the fastest 10 years o' my life.

    That Gore electric bill crushed me - especially after seeing the end of his documentary where it specified all these ways to conserve....Jerk SOB.
