Friday, June 22, 2007

Day 2 of no subscription to the Wall Street see, we went to a Solstice party last night, and my RIG needed a little bit o' work before the EPIC ride tomorrow soo........I decided that as much pressure as there is to be a 'normal' adult, I just don't have it in me. My professional peers go to Chamber of Commerce events, volunteer at their kids schools, they drive really huge SUV's, have huge homes, and they dress like they walked out of a J-Crew catalog. My friends and I wear crusty T-shirts and flip flops, read headlines only and bullshit the rest, have strong work ethics - but - work because we have to, we joke about things like net worth and portfolios, and we play as much as we can. I guess my point is if I die in a Masters 55+ bike race then I'm covered financially. If I live much longer than that, I'm f*cked. Allright, its not that bad - but I feel like that when I talk to my peeps like Big Mike and Marko who have 200K in their 401K's......of course, they also look like The MICHILIN MAN.

I have a huge, phat, phun ride planned for tomorrow morning with my Sedona homie JD. He's bringing his new Ibex mail-order bike up for a romp through the forest. We're both getting ready for the Durango marathon bike event in August, and this 4 hour pounding will help get us there. I'll probably need a couple shots of espresso after the ride just to stay away until 7pm. Unless we have a massive mechanical issue it should be a great ride.

I better go get the WSJ subscription done before I forget....

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