Monday, October 1, 2007

The neo-conservatives in this country are frightening. I'm more afraid of them STARTING a war with Iran than I am of this little dude from Iran who just talks trash about the 'fake holocaust' and the assertion that there are 'no homosexuals in Iran'......too funny really. For a guy who has no power, he sure has our bible thumpin, bad suit wearin conservatives nervous. Give this guy a mic and let him do standup!

Week ahead..

This is on 10/6. I have not been riding much due to the short days, and mucho worko. But - this is kinda the finale for the least for competitive events anyway. Truth be told, I'm kinda ready to put a capper on 2007 alltogether. 1-51 mile race and it's pretty much closed for business. It's been a great year.....A second place finish + cash, no major mechanical issues to pay for, and no injuries other than fatigue from time to time. Oh yeah - and that sweet S-Works frame from the raffle.

The weekend was a blur. Work, play - a pretty good mix of the two. Brett Favre schooled the Vikes. It's great to see Favre playing with such fortitude and fun even if he has to paste the Vikes.

Lyza and D continue to rock my small world.



  1. Do you have to keep bringing up the s-works frame? I swear you are just rubbing it in my face. Ahhhhh....
