Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Gainer's Fuel"

I slip on one of my team jerseys last Sunday and g-damn.  It's tight.  I think the Rocky workouts in my 33 degree garage are starting to show some results after 60 days of work.  Hmmmm.  Competitive cyclists aren't in the business of gaining weight, but since I'm not really all that competitive lately, who cares.  I feel good.

18 years ago, my last semester at NAU was nearly a complete joke.  I only needed 9 credit hours to graduate which consisted of two easy electives and one class for my business major.  Being a stereotypical fraternity (don't say frat....you wouldn't call your country a c*nt, would you?) guy, I was all about socializing, lifting weights, and screwin' off.  Damn....I miss those days.  Anyway, one of my all-time best friends Kenny B - got me into "Gainer's Fuel".  64 ounce jugs of this calorie-laden "muscle powder" could be had at any GNC.  Mix it up with whole milk and you had a 32 ounce glass of 2,000 calories just waiting to be turned into lean muscle mass. 

A typical day started by lifting weights, hitting class if it were important, then slamming a shake around 11am.  A calorie coma would then kick in and I wouldn't wake up until 2pm.....hit another class around 3pm, down another shake and then go out for beer and chicken wings with the boys because wings were 10 cents and beer was free thanks to my younger sister working the bar.  As the semester went on, I still drank the shakes, but it was making me so tired I started skipping the workouts.  So 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day for 60 days.......you know what I got from it?  Bloated.  Lactose intolerant.  Sick.  I got so sick for two weeks I was forced to stop drinking the shakes, had to skip class, and I lost every pound I gained in the weight room and plenty more as both ends of me were like dueling faucets of discharge.  I had to scramble before finals to make sure I would graduate - and one of my classes was the "History of Skiing".  No shit, you get credit for that at NAU.  All of this was stressful to the point where 3-4 times per year even today - 18 years later - I have a dream about NAU revoking my degree because I was short credit hours.

I'll keep at it in the Rocky Gym .......and stick to soymilk this time around.


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