Friday, February 27, 2009

Soapbox Friday

Ain't no TARP funds, no stimulus package, no home foreclosure relief, no withdrawl from Iraq, or no budget cuts gonna' bring this country out of it's depression. You know what will? An attitude change.

In less than 45 days in office Obama has delivered an end date to the wastefulness in Iraq, a raise for US Marines, pending legislation that will help people stay in their homes, and a stimulus package that - like it or not - means action and help. If you aren't on board you may feel a sense of false entitlement that's fading fast. You probably say "but what's in it for me?". Or, your religious prejudices may override your common sense. You could just be a cynical asshole.

Obama's going to set the tone for this nation, and I can only hope that we - as a nation - embrace it. It would mean that a majority of us would live with a purpose other than looking out for #1 - ourselves. If a tone can be set, laws will be passed with throughness and expedience, corporations will run ethically and efficiently, and consumers would buy intelligently and not excessively.

The gluttonous behavior that we - as a nation - have embraced over the past 10 years have put us where we are at, more so than the decisions of scapegoat politicians that we elected. Now we have the right person in the White House. Listen up, because he's gonna light a fire under this country.

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