Friday, March 5, 2010

After this weekend, I should have my taxes done, my MTB steerer tube cut to fit the new stem, brake lines shortened accordingly, and my profile removed from Facebook. I'm just not a 'book or 'tweet kind of guy. Call it a failed experiment.

Listening to NPR this morning really got me in a bummed out mood. I'm trying to remember if, in the 80's and '90's, our polotical woes were as bad as they are made out to be now? Was there always this much strive between Dems and White Guys in Suits? I have to believe that a lot of the sensitivity now is attributable to the vast "improvement" in technology with regards to media. Everything a politician says is scrutinized, homogenized, digitized, and politicized to the nth degree.

That would be an awful profession if you're in it for the right reasons. Unless you are in it for personal/financial gain, it'd be difficult to make decisions based on your principles and stay in office for very long

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