Yo - I've lived in Flagstaff/Sedona now going on 14 years. I can count on one finger how many rainy days we had in the month of May over those 14 years. Historically it's been dryer than the bottom of Big Steve's beer glass. We've had dry and windy weather for 45 days straight and the Feds were already talking about trail closures. That translates to night riding under the radar if you want to ride the trails.
Then, out of nowhere, we get a weather pattern that has delivered 3 straight days of rain, with at least another two to come. I've never looked at a Memorial Day Weekend before and said "I'm so glad it's raining". But - "I'm so glad it's raining". Our 30x15 foot patch of grass is looking better, the plants are happy, the trails have gone from 2 inches of dust to mud, and while it doesn't exactly look like a Minnesota landscape - things feel a whole lot greener.
Having put in 12 straight days at the sawmill, I'll be OFF this weekend (not Monday though because in the hospitality biz Memorial Day just means you just don't get any phone calls). Safe fun to everyone this weekend.
Ummmmm... I think I'm offended. Not sure how, but I think I am.