Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I don't know what's worse - an athiest, or a religious zealot.

Declaring yourself an athiest is a cop-out. You're protected in the sense that no-one can ever prove you wrong, and you can cherry-pick holes in age-old scriptures that are used to define any form of faith. You can sit on your soapbox and throw shots down on the masses as you relish in pointing out contradictions in the Bible...the Koran....etc.

Religious zealots. They lean on the overwhelming belief of a God because they are weak, manipulative, insecure......and more commonly......opportunists.

TIME Magazine this week points out - on the cover no less - that Christianity should be taught in schools from a historical perspective because it is the cornerstone of western civilization's religion. Several PhD's, and school administrators say that it would be possible to teach even scripture without 'preaching'. Having come from a white-bread school/neighborhood, I would imagine there would be a good degree of people where I grew up that would favor this, followed by those that are strongly opposed - with those that don't really care bringing up the rear.

This is a trainwreck of an opinion. I would support 100% a 'religions of the world' class that introduces High School kids to the seven major religions of the world - from a factual and historical perspective. This would be education. I would/will pull Lyza out of any school district that adopted preaching Christianity. It's going to be hard for her growing up because Lyza's birthmother has embraced Catholicism (presumably because you can let those sins go once a week - say a few Hail Mary's and hold that Rosary please - allright, that was a cheap shot there). I, on the other hand, will not require Lyza to go to church and practice a specific religion..

For the record, I believe that religion can include visits to a church/Temple/Synagogue etc, meditation, a walk in the woods, or a scary moment(s). I believe in a higher power, especially after seeing my daughter born. I'm steadfastly opposed to organized religion being integrated into politics, and I believe that religion and humanitarian efforts can mix if the intent is just to help, and not to spread the faith. I am not a Christian, and I can't identify wholly with any one religion at this time in my life. Finally, thanks in advance for keeping your beliefs to yourself unless we become more than acquanintances. I'll do the same.

Off to Tucson this weekend - I can't wait.


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