Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Losing my faith in all of this…..

Unless the Senate defeats the Dubya-inspired Economic Stimulus Plan, I’m afraid no one will. It’s a shame that none, NONE of the major Presidential candidates has the balls (or the rack) to stand up against this initiative.

Yes, I could use the money. I have a wife and a daughter in school right now, and we’re super tight on money. Obviously, I’m not alone in being on a short leash with $$. However, it is fiscally irresponsible to dive into more debt in an effort to stimulate the economy with cash payouts. Many people in this country gambled and lost trying to gain free money – and we are all paying for it. The last thing we need are the Fed’s using bailout tactics. If you gambled, and lost your home because you were under qualified in the first place or you grossly overbought with a speculative eye, then go rent. It’s not ultimately the lender’s fault, it’s your fault for not understanding the terms of your loan.

Sure, half of the businesses in America tease consumers with no payments/no interest, graduated payments ect – and there is some fault there. It’s too bad that this segment of financing has become dominant – and it’s a result of Americans wanting bigger, better, more, right now. The American sense of entitlement is powerful.

Mr. Prez - if you’re gonna do this, try food stamps. I could use $600 in food stamps to redeem at my local store. That would be a month and a half of “free” food which would trickle down to a lot of different businesses and employees who need their jobs. Since this isn’t gonna happen, I’ll save my cash payout in protest – and make a deposit in my already weak savings account.

Again, what I’m really disappointed in is the lack of character that the candidates are showing. What they are showing is that it’s an election year, and they are all truly slaves to the political process. I don’t know why I expected any more of them in the first place.


  1. But I need this money. I got duped into an ARM and now I can't afford the house I bought and the 2nd and 3rd mortgage that I have on it. Without this money, I may have to resort to home-cooked meals rather than breakfast, lunch and dinner out every day of the week. It's not my fault that I'm fiscally irresponsible. If I get this check for $600, anyone responsible for it will have my full support and votes. Because by doing this, they are proving that they indeed are the ones that truly care about the American public and their hardships.

  2. i'm spending mine on drugs and hookers. that'll show 'em.

  3. Excellent thought, Andy. I admire your support of the pharmaceutical and service industries.

  4. Glad to see you guys thinking about how to use the tax break - bravo!

  5. I am going to double mine... put it all on red.
