Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My hat goes off to the Independent voters in New Hamp because they have once again given Johnny Maverick a lifeline and a pulpit to preach from. As a registered Democrat, I get a lot of flack for supporting this guy. I mean hell, if we sat down to lunch, we'd see eye to eye on very few issues.

The reason(s) I'm all for Johnny Maverick are summed up in one word. Compromise. Yes, he and I see the immigration the same, but, in no way do we view the war with the same perspective. BUT, I believe his stance on the war could work even if it's not my preferred path. Privatized Social Security, the No Child Left Behind Act, and what the heck to do about Socialized (I know that word scares some of you) Healthcare? Me and Johnny Mav. would have opposing views on a lot of these issues.

Compromise means change, and this is the guy we need. He's Republican enough to bring the fat white guy vote, he finds all of the Independent voters with ease, and enough Dems will hop on board once Hilbama hit the wall in the real election.

Finally, how do you not go with the guy with the hottest wife?

I wish Johnny Maverick success, and although I'm not going to bet my house on it, I think he has a puncher's chance if he can keep the 'MO going down south.


  1. Dood! I think you have a Cindy McCain poster in your locker, right next to the one of Mimi Rogers (c. 1987). You've got a thing for those Cougars.

    What's with the new eurotrash style of your blog with the dates written in day/month/year fashion? This ain't Deutschland!

  2. Eurotrash? Was it the blog, or my multi-colored ONCE spandex cycling 'kit' from 2002 that I still wear around the house?

  3. In case you're wondering, stop. The ONCE (is that pronounced "wuns" or "own-say"?) kit is not allowed in the tangerine dream. Not even if it's the yellow and black vs the pink and black.
