Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My skates, my lovely hockey skates, check 'em out!

You know you love Fergie....(sorry Mom, you won't know what the f*ck that meant).

Let me tell ya, if I didn't have them with me I'd be going nuts right now. Two one half hour sessions of gassers has left me gassed. I didn't think I could sweat when it's 3 degrees out, but I'll be damned if I didn't nearly puke last night after 30 minutes of windsprints. O'ccourse, skating 20 minutes after a huge dinner probably contributed to that nauseated feeling. Feeling Minnesota?

Pops is in Defcon 3 mode, and there's not a safety pressure valve. He could blow at any minute trying to organize details, and I'm standing aside and just offering help when he needs it. It's pretty easy for me to be a little bit critical from the sideline, especially when he's been terse, short, and the lack of balance in his life right now is taking its toll on him physically. However, I don't know what I would do if one of my girls died. With that being said, I'm doing my best to not overreact to his harsh edge, and I'M THE ONE BLOWING OFF STEAM - via ice skating on the local rinks.

The rest of the familiy arrives on Thursday and Friday, and that will be a welcome relief. We should have most of the major details wrapped up today (catering, service, family dinner arrangements, and airport pickups). I think I'll rent some pathetic plot action movie tonight and just get lost in it after one more session on the rink.

1 comment:

  1. Your skating sprints sound wicked fun buddy. You're like Hans Brinker or some sh*t.

    I am a lousy ice-skater myself--Guess I just don't have the ankles for it. Much better on old skool roller skates, quad-wheel type--the guards were always blowing the whistle on me at "The Axle" our fav-ou-rite roller rink and site of many birthday parties. Even today we'll go to the Cottonwood Riverfront park outdoor hockey rink and blow everyone's doors off with our roller skating prowess. Feels goo-o-o-o-o-d!

    Miss ya buddy-- hope your trip in Minnetonka or Honkeytonka or wherever the bluddy 'ell you are goes well and your Dad hangs in there.

    Tear up that rink! Tear that rink a new one!
