Wednesday, February 27, 2008

About an hour into my ride on the rollers last night, I think I started to overheat. For a moment, I was competing in the lead group of the 40+ division at the Tour de Gila. Imagining duking it out with the fastest masters guys in the state, and taking the crit at the line. When I faded back into my world of kids, a full-time job, marginal talent, and the fact that I inadvertantly closed the door to the office where my rollers were set up - I realized I was in a 90 degree room, with a floor full o' sweat, and an earphone that was so doused with moisture that I missed C.C. Deville's guitar solo on some random song from Poison. It was probably one of the best roller sessions I have had in years with an average cadence of 92, and a lower than expected heart rate.

My core workout after consisted of eating two pop-tarts (shut the f*ck up - at least they were organic), and slugging a 16oz glass of OJ. There's some core work for ya....then off to sleep so I could wake up starving and engulf a mixing bowl of cereal and bananas. That's how I eat - always setting up for the next meal.


  1. Maybe you've just invented the cyclist's Bikram paradise?! Go CB - its all quads and testosteronie!

  2. Wait! I was pedaling circles - my hams are sore, but my belly is full
