Romney quits, which seals the deal for McCain….
The only prediction I have been right on, since I can’t remember shit anymore, is saying that McCain would emerge as the frontrunner prior to the New Hampshire primary. I just had a hunch that it was his time considering how f*cked up this country is because of conservative control. I just wanted the most moderate GOP candidate to represent, that’s all.
I find it a riot that the right wing, you know – the ones who call themselves conservatives, are all up in arms over McCain getting the GOP nod. Their problem is that their leading candidate is FOR fiscal responsibility, and he’s FOR a fair solution to immigration. These guys (and chicks – see Ann Coulter the emaciated windbag who now gets to eat a whole lotta shit and campaign for Hillary if she gets the Dem nod since she vowed to do so if McCain wins the GOP) are just whining up a storm, clogging the national airwaves, and ruining my morning coffee time when I listen to NPR.
I like my coffee. I like a quality medium roast, fresh ground, moderately tamped, and I like to drive 8 bar/120psi of boiling water through it to create a frothy espresso. Then I steam ½ a cup of soy milk sans sweetener and voila….. perfuckingfection. Rather than listen to the white-guy, navy blue suit rhetoric on NPR, I flipped on Angry DiFranco – that’s Ani DiFranco for non franco-philes. She’s short, she’s pissed, and she has 10x the talent of 1997’ short, and pissed off chick Alanis Morissette. Check DiFranco out if you haven’t already. Her Out of Range CD is tight.
It was 1 hour and 5 minutes on the rollers again last night. That’s 2 sessions this week, and one more scheduled for tonight. Race day on Saturday may be cancelled as teammates are bailing for personal reasons and I don’t want to drop $50 on gas to get there and back. I can ride in Sedona for free – all day – and probably have more fun.
Skip the race and the ride. Have some beers Saturday morning outside and stop at noon. Then go out Saturday night to a Martini Bar and have some more. Then you will be able to keep pace with me.